Digital Health

IBS & Coeliac Disease Management Programs

Patient Focused Resources

Fun science-based resources that make managing gut issues easy.

Do you have IBS or Coeliac Disease?

Then you’ve come to the right place. Our dietitian reviewed resources will help you understand and manage the changes needed to improve your health.

We’ll show you in easy steps how to replace your trigger foods and create a happy gut lifestyle that works for you.

Are you a health care provider?

Helping patients implement lifestyle changes to manage gut conditions like coeliac disease and irritable bowel syndrome is challenging.

We make this process easy by providing simple and inspirational online health care programs that facilitate behavioural change through patient-focused resources.

Are you a health care provider?

Helping patients implement lifestyle changes to manage gut conditions like coeliac disease and irritable bowel syndrome is challenging.

We make this process easy by providing simple and inspirational online health care programs that facilitate behavioural change through patient-focused resources.

Engage. Inspire. Change.

The key to encouraging patients to take control of their gut issues is by helping them feel part of a community, showing them they are not alone, and then inspiring them to take action through science-based advice.

Online Courses

Patients can learn at their own pace in our online courses. These courses cover everything from managing coeliac disease to implementing the 3 phases of the low FODMAP diet.

Chat Support

Patient educators and our dietitian team provide support to patients through online messages or emails. They can ask product questions, get nutritional advice, or vent about their symptoms.

1:1 Dietitian Sessions

Patients with red flag symptoms, poor nutritional markers, complex medical histories or unresponsive symptoms are offered a 1 on 1 session with a dietitian to create a tailored care plan.

Only available with contract packages.

Meal Plans & Recipes

Patients can access 800+ low FODMAP and gluten free recipes along with customisable meal plans to make their transition to gut health easy. All recipes are dietitian reviewed.

Care Emails

Each week patients are sent care emails filled with dietitian recommended tips and strategies to help them reduce gut symptoms and stay engaged with our online programs.

Online Group Classes

Our on-demand dietitian-led group classes allow patients to learn about their conditions and troubleshoot their symptoms.

Optimise Your Patient’s Care

Reduce costs while optimising your patient care through using our digital health programs. We can provide dietitian-led tailored support for coeliac disease and IBS patients.

Coeliac Care Program

Improve gluten free compliance and patient outcomes with our coeliac care plan for adults. We’ll teach them everything they need to know about their new gluten free lifestyle from controlling cross-contamination to label reading, eating out, and how to look after their nutrition.

 IBS Support Program

The low FODMAP diet is scientifically proven to help up to 75% of patients manage symptoms. However, it is complex and overwhelming for patients to implement. We make it easy with low FODMAP courses, meal plans, and 800+ recipes.

Make Diet Changes Easy

Give your patients access to over 800+ low FODMAP and gluten recipes and resources. Each recipe is taste tested in our test kitchen and dietitian reviewed. This helps patients feel like they are eating normally, with tasty and nutritious food, even though they are following strict dietary guidelines.

Our Partner Brand

A Little Bit Yummy

  • Consumer specific brand that focuses on building trust
  • All resources dietitian reviewed
  • Specialises in low FODMAP and gluten free diets
  • Recipes & resources updated on a regular basis
  • Provides free resources to over 1.3 million people globally each year

Patient Success Stories

I am enjoying the lessons and all the information you are providing. I just got diagnosed today and FREAKED!! I read through the diet and started crying. Then I found ALBY. Here I am calm and not so upset. It actually feels doable. Thanks to you all!!
Deborah Wallwork

I spent ages trying to find gluten free and low FODMAP recipes etc but I am SO thankful for ‘ALBY’! It has really helped me plan out my meals for the week, and help with a shopping list which took a lot of weight off my shoulders.
Amber Cox

Hearing information I kind of knew from someone with the authority that Anna has really helped reinforce my learning and give me confidence. It never hurts to have information reinforced through different media options. It was also reassuring to know that other people suffer the same grumbly guts all over the world, or so it seemed!
Sue Grant

I am part of your educational clubs. I am AMAZED at the services you provide and how well organised they are. Thank you!
Linda Swisher-Smiley

Before ALBY I was restricting my diet to try and reduce symptoms – to no avail really – no variety, or good nutritional content, it was so limited. Now I have a full and interesting daily menu plan and the team is very accessible and supportive plus tummy is much better. It has been a revelation so far and easy to follow.
Trudy Davies

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